Self care. Self care is something I struggle with. It’s hard for me to turn my brain off from the million and one things on my to-do list. Ideally, I would start every morning by getting up and spending the first 15 minutes wrapped in a blanket, on the couch, drinking coffee. Instead, I get up, brew the coffee, take a drink, and immediately begin to tackle my lengthy to-do list. On the rare occasion I do sit down hoping to enjoy my coffee, I instantly feel mom guilt. Uggg…… mom guilt is a real thing. Then I find myself wondering why I feel guilty when I spend my entire day caring for my family? Oh the joys of motherhood, right?!
This past Monday I returned from a weekend in Chicago with one of my very best friends. It was amazing. I missed my kids and thought about them often. But, the miraculous thing was when I returned my kids and husband were happy and healthy. The house hadn’t fallen down. And the best part was I felt refreshed, filled up, and ready to love on my family again. I really do believe that you can’t give from a empty cup, but it’s so much easier to say that than practice it.
So Mommas, as hard as it is to carve out time for self care it is necessary. Let me clarify though. A long weekend in Chicago may not be possible for you. I get it. Traveling, even if it’s to the grocery store, can be impossible when your kiddos are young. But the good news is, self care is literally anything you do for yourself (preferably by yourself) that rejuvenates you and makes you feel happy. Read a book, exercise, do yoga, join a book club/a moms group, have a girls night out, take a bath, drink hot tea, or shower for longer than 2 minutes with no one else in the bathroom with you.
I’d love to know if you struggle with this too!? Or any ways you succeed at this! From one Mom to another, you are loved, you are worthy, & you are doing a great job!!!! – Claire

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